Farcical Security at the University of Winnipeg
In the wake of increased security concerns due to what has been a peaceful encampement outside the University of Winnipeg there is no longer security guards stationed at every entrance asking entrants to identify themselves. The reality is this policy was only really, properly implemented for as much as 10 days. At its best it was farcical, with multiple entrances being ‘breached’ by a Free Press reporter in the first week as a result of no guards. In the week after reading this I asked why I needed to show my ID and no one really had an answer that gave the impression the situation made any sense.
One senior security employee told me it was a matter of the school not knowing who is in the encampment and that anyone entering the school must be a student. When asked why a drivers license is sufficient identification for entry he told me there are events occurring which the individual can enter if they are apart of. Quite literally, any mal-actor who has an eye on a publically posted events board can walk right in, no problem. Yes, you flash your ID but there is no real interest in who you are so much as there was necessity you show that photo ID.
We took a break in class today at which time our professor told us the unfortunate news that someone had been stabbed on campus and was being helped in Riddell hall. Whether they were a student or not was not determined.
In the last two weeks the University has fully withdrawn security ID checks. I suppose they came to notice the 20-30 people sitting in lawn chairs, juggling and sharing information with folks walking by on the front lawn were less of an existential threat than they had first determined.
But what about today? What allowed this person to be stabbed? If they are a student then the school has done nothing short of failing them.
Amp up security when the “free Palestine” signs go up but the rest of the time we spend in the highest concentrated area of violent crime in the city? Business as usual.
During class break I left to fill my water bottle. The security guard stationed at a table in Lockhart Hall had his head down on the table. Was he taking a nap? I can’t say. But he certainly wasn’t watching the door.